Nov 13, 2008

my first day in the site office

My first day on site……..
Nov 13 2008

Dengan lemasnya turun bus menuju portal amole……

Tiba di kantor dengan perasaan masih homesick.. rekan2 menyapa “hows your holiday Made?” I just replied “excellent, mate”

Meeting line up…. Christ (supervisorku) bertanya “welcome back Made nice to see you back, you look fresh, so what do you up to today?” bertanya mengenai apa yang aku kerjakan, simple aku jawab “lao-lao (nyante banget - nothing to do), underground refresher, n check email”

Bagi2 ransum (oleh2 kacang mete, kacang, n tempe buatan mama) di ruanganku….
Temen2 pada bilang aku tambah item, hikz…… *masa dibilang aku main ke pante terus….

Ketemu Christ iseng2 curhat.. aku:”Christ (untung bule, even dy supervisorku kita manggilnya cuman nama aja, coba orang Indo langsung diplototi deh), is it possible if tomorrow (14 Nov 08) I wanna spend my day off flight up to Jakarta for a little while?”.. Christ:”Hey Made, what’s going on? You just came back from long vacation, and tomorrow wanna back vacation again?.. aku:” No Christ, I just need 3 days off and I promise I will work fulltime 1 month without day off then”… Christ (ketawa):”hmm…. No problemo, but you have a really heavy work load after, coz you know currently we have had global economic crisis, we have to prepare engineering yearly report immediately, and you are the men (incharge maksudnya) for this, Just think to be wises and brightly”.. huhuhuhuhuh walaupun dy tidak mengatakan tidak boleh, akhirnya kuputuskan saja aku gak akan terbang (lagi) ke Jakarta… mmmm karena apa yah? Aku juga gak tau….
*itulah enaknya punya bos bule jadi kita bisa curhat masalah apapun ked y, karena perusahaan asing umumnya menerapkan azas horizontal antara top management hingga front liner

Start mulai refresher dan training STOP (safety training observation program) cape deh………. Diskusi yang menarik…..

Ke ruang Danny (superintendent operation), biasa curhat mengenai liburan kemarin n (always) dy selalu nanya “Did you loose your cherry there?” cape deh……. Aku kan masih polos

Cek2 imel lagi

Pulang kembali…..

Huaaaaaa…. Back to work lagi habis liburan……….
Holiday is over, sekarang kembali kerja keras, pagi2 hingga malam ho3….
Yah at least untuk next 81 hari ke depan…

Oiya, hari ini aku punya motto baru….. “Go Hard or Go Home”
