Jan 1, 2010 0 comments

I'll (not) be home for 2010 New Year

Well, it's not really wise to waste your time posting on a blog while you have a huge task for making smooth transition end and new year. But people, I am bored. So here I am, typing this litle nonsense, hehehe...

I just read a blog, asking 7 places you'd rather be right now, then suddenly my mind flies to a place, the most wanted place I would go now. My home.
This is the first day of year 2010, this is also the seventh time I spend new year's eve far away from my homeland. Homesick, I am trying to figure out what you're guys doing over there.Realistis, saya harus melanjutkan perjalanan saya.

Selamat datang 2010, pasti ada banyak cerita menarik yang akan datang :)Oke deh, saatnya kembali mengejar mimpi

So hopefully I can do better this new year, not just for myself but hopefully for others. There are some hope that I silently whisper in my pray, but no matter how everything will turn out, I will try to believe You more. I know it's going to be hard, but a long journey should be started with one single step!!!

Why going home for good? Said some people. The opportunity is better for you outside. Said the other. Yeah, I know that's all true :) This place is never be a complete home for me :) I enjoy living here, earn some bucks, having lots of fun. But I miss my home so much, the whole family.

Me and my desk on the 1st day 2010 new year.
--di tengah kesibukan yang makin kronis