Apr 24, 2009

If tomorrow never comes...

Saat hidup kita lagi diatas, kadang kita terlena. Gak mau liat orang lain. Gak mau liat teman, sodara bahkan orang tua. Kadang waktu kita memiliki rezeki, kita tetap merasa kekurangan. Kadang di beberapa orang yg ga kuat, akan merubah dia menjadi seorang yg rakus. Yg agak lebih mendingan, kadang kita jadi workaholic, kita ga punya waktu utk keluarga, teman, pacar bahkan untuk diri sendiri... Alasannya "ini kan untuk masa depan"

Well.... Bagaimana kalau masa depan itu ngga dateng? Gimana kalau tomorrow never come? Gimana kalau ternyata Tuhan kasih hari ini adalah hari terakhir kita didunia. Atau hari terakhir dari orang2 yg kita cintai...

Pagi ini aq mendapat email dari Jeanette, ia menceritakan hari-harinya ketika mengunjungi jebolnya Situ Gintung. Sangat menarik untuk diulas di sini.


“Gue sempat ngobrol panjang dengan salah satu korban di tempat pengungsi. Namanya Panji.

Panji ini rumahnya hanya beberapa meter dari tanggul itu. Dia tinggal sendiri di rumah warisan dari pamannya. Ortu dan pamannya dah meninggal, dan bibinya tkw di Singapura. Dia kerjanya sebagai kurir di pagi hari, malemnya teknisi di salah satu pabrik di daerah kampung rambutan. Dia punya pacar namanya Dinni. Yg tinggal di sebelah rumahnya. Rencananya mereka akan menikah tahun ini. Malam kejadian sekitar pukul 8, mereka berkelahi. Alasannya, sebenarnya Panji libur malam itu, jadi dinni mengajak Panji untuk jalan2 ke bogor bersama keluarganya. Menginap di rumah uwak Dinni. Tapi Panji menolak dengan alasan dia ditawari mengantar barang ke daerah karawang. Uangnya lumayan.

Mendengar alasan ini Dinni jadi marah dan teriak2 karena memang Panji hampir ga pernah punya waktu untuk Dinni. Alasannya karena cari uang utk pernikahan. Sampai akhirnya Dinni bilang kalau Panji egois, percuma cari uang utk menikah kalau kelakuan Panji malah bikin hilang selera untuk menikah. Panji tersinggung dan bilang kalau Dinni ga menghargai Panji. Akhirnya malam itu mereka bertengkar hebat. Dan Panji tetep pergi mengantar barang.

Karena ada masalah sedikit di Karawang, Panji tertahan lama disana. (gue rasa karena jalan Tuhan). Akhirnya Panji sampai di Jakarta sekitar jam 4.45 menit. Sampai di deket rumah, Panji bingung karena di jalan Ciputat Raya banyak tetangganya berkerumun, menangis dan berteriak. Panji bingung. Semua ditanya tapi ga ada yg jawab. Semua seperti sibuk dengan tangisannya sendiri. Ga berapa lama Panji ketemu sama Iksan, sepupu Dinni. Tapi si Iksan udah nangis sampai ga bisa ngomong. Setelah ditenangkan barulah iksan bercerita.

Iksan bilang bahwa tadi uwak (papa Dinni) suruh dia anter uwak dan keluarga ke Bogor karena uwak Nani (adik papanya) abis melahirkan ga ada yg jaga. Pas Iksan tanya Dinni kok ga ikut, kata papanya Dinni ga mau ikut. Dia lg ga enak hatinya. Mungkin berantem sama Panji. Jadi dia mau di rumah. Jadi Iksan pergi. Iksan ketiduran di Bogor, pas pulang ternyata tanggul jebol. Dinni ga tau dimana... Rumahnya kerendem.Sampai tadi gue pulang, Dinni belum ada kabarnya. Dari 68 orang yang jadi korban, belum ada jenazah Dinni. Dan Panji belum tidur. Dia belum bisa. Dia menyesal sekali. Dia belum berhenti menangis saat gue pulang. Dia ditemenin sama ayah Dinni yg luar biasa bijaksana dan masih bisa menjadi luar biasa tenang walau kehilangan putri sematawayangnya...

Terakhir Panji bilang sama gue... "Mba, kalau saya tau mba, saya akan ikut mba sama dia. Kalau saya ikut saya ga akan begini mba. Dia ga akan begini mba. Kasihan Dinni mba. Semua salah saya.. Sekarang uang tabungan saya ga berarti mba. Semuanya udah ga ada artinya kalau ga ada Dinni mba..... Buat apa saya kerja mba, buat Dinni mba.. Kalau ga ada Dinni semuanya ga ada artinya..." Gue ga bisa nenangin karena gue pun jadi ikut menangis....”

Well, gw ga bisa bilang apa2 tentang ini. gw cuman bisa bilang, ayuk kita belajar dari Panji. Percuma kerja terus2an tapi kita ga bisa menikmati hasilnya. Alasan kita kerja adalah untuk cari uang. Cari uang untuk keluarga atau menikah dgn pasangan kita. Tapi inget, hubungan kita dgn mereka bukan hanya sekedar uang. Tapi ada jalinan yg harus dipertahankan. Ada cinta yang harus dirawat. Dan semuanya itu ga bisa dilakukan dgn uang. Hidup itu harus Balance. Bekerja dan bersenang2nya.... Segala sesuatunya deh. Kalau ga, kita ga akan bisa nikmatin.

Dan lihat sekeliling kita, orang2 yg kita sayang. Bagaimana kalau ternyata besok mereka sudah tidak ada lagi untuk selamanya. Waktu ga bsa diputer. Dan kematian datang seperti pencuri. Spend sometimes with your love one. Supaya kalau mereka benar2 akan dipanggil Tuhan, at least kita dah berbuat yg terbaik. Begitu juga kalau kita yg dipanggil, atleast we leave them no regrets... Just a sweet and very good memmories...."


This story just got me over the edge of my emotion. No wise words I could give. No advice. Such like the reflection of my daily life,,,,,,,,

"If Tomorrow Never Comes"

Sometimes late at night

I lie awake and watch her sleeping

She's lost in peaceful dreams

So I turn out the lights and lay there in the dark

And the thought crosses my mind

If I never wake up in the morning

Would she ever doubt the way I feel

About her in my heart

If tomorrow never comes

Will she know how much I loved her

Did I try in every way to show her every day

That she's my only one

And if my time on earth were through

And she must face the world without me

Is the love I gave her in the past

Gonna be enough to last

If tomorrow never comes

'Cause I've lost loved ones in my life

Who never knew how much I loved them

Now I live with the regret

That my true feelings for them never were revealed

So I made a promise to myself

To say each day how much she means to me

And avoid that circumstance

Where there's no second chance to tell her how I feel

If tomorrow never comes

Will she know how much I loved her

Did I try in every way to show her every day

That she's my only oneAnd if my time on earth were through

And she must face the world without me

Is the love I gave her in the past

Gonna be enough to last

If tomorrow never comes

So tell that someone that you love

Just what you're thinking of.... If tomorrow never comes

photo by Anonim, Grasberg 2008
Apr 11, 2009 0 comments

today the sun returns to the exact position in the sky as it was the day when I was born

Today is not much different than the other days. The only different thing is only now I am not younger 1 year anymore. Glek (menelan ludah) time really flies :) I try to avoid this day, but what can I do? all I can do is only leaving Jakarta to Beverly (Tembagapura–red) malah my birthday will be advance for about 2 hours, hahaha. Oh my gosh…. (If I could go to US may be my birthday will be delayed for 12 hours, pretty work heheheh).. terlepas dari itu lot of friends had greeted me (they all said : using Jakarta's time)

A birthday is always be a good milestone to evaluate ourselves. What have I done, have I made any difference during last 12 months, did I make any mistakes and failures, have I been a better person? It is also a good time to question ourselves, what do you want to do with your life from now on? Buat saya, pertanyaan-pertanyaan itu tidak pernah mudah untuk dijawab. Saya mencoba melihat diri saya sendiri, apa bedanya Royn yang sekarang dengan Royn setahun yang lalu? To answer it quantitatively is easier than qualitatively: I was in working in here a year ago and now I am still here but different position; I have proved (at least to myself) that I could get a better job after several trying; despite of the fact that I am a worker, I still managed my brain for learning about my lovely GIS, Geomatic and Remote Sensing, still spending my knowledge for some data processing for several master student, still to thinking how I can gain $ by conduct the training, and start to thinking [already] for having small house in ‘there’ hahaha. But what is the meaning of those quantitative measurements? The more you have, the more you should thanks to God. Instead of saying "Tuhan, terimakasih buat semuanya selama beberapa tahun ini", was one of my first sentence “oh my gosh today I am getting older and being single”....

Hey, I said that it is quantitatively. How about the quality of your life? Have I been a better person? Have I been a smarter person? Do I have a good relationship with the loved ones? Sudahkah saya memberi banyak seperti saya menerima banyak dari orang lain? Yang paling gampang dulu deh ;) I doubt that I am now a better person than a year ago. I also smarter from a year ago [workload has train me close the edge]. Saya masih Royn yang sering menyalahkan keadaan & orang lain instead of learning from our experience. Saya juga masih Royn yang di satu sisi sangat tidak percaya diri dan lugu, tapi di sisi yang lain Royn yang sangat sombong dan arogan.

Relationship? Hmm not an easy question, Couple times I tried for making relationship with gurls with different religion always running well [why?].. but the last one when I trying make relationship with ‘her’ [who has same religion as well with me] the condition was being an obstacle. Aneh…. ;)

Oh well, akhirnya, saya sampai kepada pertanyaan yang diajukan sobat saya yang selalu mengutarakan pertanyaan relatif sulit : What wishes do you have for the year ahead?

Generally, I love today, I am getting old, I have to more responsible to my our own life and body, I have to more respective to each other, I have to more down to earth (Dhita, 2009), I have to leave ‘my childish’ habit, but one thing that I never wanna change…. Always being the best and #1.

Apr 3, 2009 1 comments

Underground Survey

In this posting I gonna explain about Tunnel Surveying which I only ‘try’ joining surveyor for a few fields as built (you know what I mean? Don’t trust my posting bellow completely). This job is really different with the other survey activity, because the surveyor here has to deal with confined space, and absolutely deal with very short sight. Surveyors are used to carrying a lot of stuff. To do our work efficiently we need plumb bobs, prisms and plumbing poles, measuring tapes, paint, stakes, hammers, field books, calculators and data collectors, transit, Total Station, tripod, radios...
From the office usually we are use to using Mine Cat, an underground equipment for carrying crew to the heading/face tunnel with basket boom for reaching some high level in addition the UG survey activity need it.
In here, actually has general standard survey methods, there are: Geodetic Standard Local Stations & Bench Mark, Permanent Survey Station (PSS) Establishment, Projection Scale Factor, Networks, tolerance on progression, Horizontal Angular Closure Tolerance, and Horizontal Closure Tolerance.

Common survey activity in UG are:
1.1. Survey Face Marks
· New Excavations: All new excavations will be marked by surveyor in red paint, consisting of left rib, centre line, right rib, grade line across the face @1.5m above design floor, back sights marked on opposite rib. The centre line will also be painted across the backs with the high is able to be reached with a paint pole.
· 2nd Advancement: After firing and screening the first round, surveyor will mark up the next as per a new excavation extending the center along the backs.
· Recording: All excavation marks made by survey will be recorded and checked against the design, before the excavation can be blasted.

1.2. Drift Lasers
· McGarf Laser: The McGarf laser will be installed where every practical to provide line and level for the jumbo drill development crews.
· Standards: The standard positioning of the laser will be nominally at 1.5m to the design floor and 1.0m from the left drift.
· Blasting: The McGarf laser will only be installed after the blasting face position is greater then 8m from the installation position.
· Checking: The laser direction will be checked by PTRI survey after every 20m of development.
· Accuracy: The McGarf lasers will only be used for drifts less than 60m in length, lasers alignment can not be guaranteed after this distance.
· Testing: A baseline of >30m will be established near the Big Gossan workings for the checking of all McGarf Laser before use. All lasers will be checked and certified by the PTRI surveyors and recorded on a monthly basis.

1.3. Daily Survey Control
· Main Headings and Secondary Headings. The Survey Crew will get heading advancement of all blasted faces in the previous 24hrs;
· As Constructed Surveys. Survey will use a Total Station to scan the face, back, floor and ribs on a regular basic, with advancement not exceeding 20m;
· Profile Survey of the heading face. The profile survey will be completed during the as constructed survey period;
